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AGSurgerys is Malaysia First Virtual Surgical Hospital.
We provide informative contents and great deal on surgical and weight loss journey.
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Simply book appointment with expert surgeon who is in the field for more than 20 years with just one click below!




AGSurgerys is Malaysia First Virtual Surgical Hospital.
We provide informative contents and great deal on surgical and weight loss journey. Learn More.

Dr. Abdul Gafoor Mubarak, Consultant Bariatric
and General Surgeon.


Happy Stories

Some great experiences stories shared by our happy patients.

“I’m very grateful that Dr.Gafoor help me throughtout this surgery.”

“I trust Dr.Gafoor to do the hernia surgery on me.”

Thank you Dr Gafoor for changing my life. I was obese before I know what is bariatric surgery is. I was unhappy back then because I was limited to try new things because of my weight. But Dr Gafoor has been so patient to deal with me and he guided me throughout my surgery and after my surgery. I have done my surgery for almost 7 years now and we still keep in touch after all those years. I always go to him for advice about my diet and whatever concerns me about my weight.

Saya buat pembedahan buang angin pasang (hernia) dengan Dr Gafoor dah lama. Alhamdulillah, cepat ja Dr buat. Saya baik pun cepat. Memang recommended Dr Gafoor. Service baik, tak sakit dan Dr pun baik sangat.

Saya sangat puas hati dengan service Dr Gafoor. Saya buat pembedahan buang thyroid di leher. Dr buat tak sakit dan cepat ja dah baik. Service semua best, rasa welcome sangat.

Alhamdulillah, Dr Gafoor helped me a lot before. I was obese and I didn’t know what I should do. Dr Gafoor explained to me what surgery I should take, and I went for sleeve gastric. After the surgery, it was so smooth because of Dr Gafoor’s expertise. It wasn’t so painful. I was admitted for a few days and Dr Gafoor would come and ask how I am and he always gave me encouragement to be better.

I have been going to Dr. Abdul Gafoor for appendix surgery and I am so grateful for his services! I suffer from abdomen pain and it has been challenging, both physically and emotionally. It was such a welcome relief to encounter Dr Abdul Gafoor . He asked me questions and really listened to the answers, explained his diagnosis, and walked me through a treatment program. Everything at this island hospital is done in a manner that is efficient, friendly, and welcoming. I have always felt considered and valued there, both as a patient and as a person.

Saya buat intragastik belon. Masukkan belon dalam perut saya untuk kurangkan berat badan saya. Procedure okay, tak sakit. Dr tolong saya dari sebelum masukkan belon sampai dah habis. Dr sangat concerned dan alhamdulillah okay sampai sekarang.


Features On

Happy Stories

Some great experiences stories shared by our happy patients.

“I’m very grateful that Dr.Gafoor help me throughtout this surgery.”

“I trust Dr.Gafoor to do the hernia surgery on me.”

Thank you Dr Gafoor for changing my life. I was obese before I know what is bariatric surgery is. I was unhappy back then because I was limited to try new things because of my weight. But Dr Gafoor has been so patient to deal with me and he guided me throughout my surgery and after my surgery. I have done my surgery for almost 7 years now and we still keep in touch after all those years. I always go to him for advice about my diet and whatever concerns me about my weight.

Saya buat pembedahan buang angin pasang (hernia) dengan Dr Gafoor dah lama. Alhamdulillah, cepat ja Dr buat. Saya baik pun cepat. Memang recommended Dr Gafoor. Service baik, tak sakit dan Dr pun baik sangat.

Saya sangat puas hati dengan service Dr Gafoor. Saya buat pembedahan buang thyroid di leher. Dr buat tak sakit dan cepat ja dah baik. Service semua best, rasa welcome sangat.

Alhamdulillah, Dr Gafoor helped me a lot before. I was obese and I didn’t know what I should do. Dr Gafoor explained to me what surgery I should take, and I went for sleeve gastric. After the surgery, it was so smooth because of Dr Gafoor’s expertise. It wasn’t so painful. I was admitted for a few days and Dr Gafoor would come and ask how I am and he always gave me encouragement to be better.

I have been going to Dr. Abdul Gafoor for appendix surgery and I am so grateful for his services! I suffer from abdomen pain and it has been challenging, both physically and emotionally. It was such a welcome relief to encounter Dr Abdul Gafoor . He asked me questions and really listened to the answers, explained his diagnosis, and walked me through a treatment program. Everything at this island hospital is done in a manner that is efficient, friendly, and welcoming. I have always felt considered and valued there, both as a patient and as a person.

Saya buat intragastik belon. Masukkan belon dalam perut saya untuk kurangkan berat badan saya. Procedure okay, tak sakit. Dr tolong saya dari sebelum masukkan belon sampai dah habis. Dr sangat concerned dan alhamdulillah okay sampai sekarang.


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More Stories

Learn more about surgerys and weight loss journey .

Bariatrik VS Lipo

Jika anda mempunyai masalah berat badan anda atau tidak berpuas hati dengan jumlah lemak pada badan anda, anda mungkin mencari cara untuk mengubahnya…
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Kenapa kita susah kurus.

Bukan perkara yang remeh, stress juga boleh menyumbang kepada peningkatan berat badan dan menyukarkan penurunan berat badan …
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Surgery For the Obese.

Obesity is defined as body mass index (BMI) >30. With the escalating problems relating to obesity namely diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension…
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Kaki Gym | Perbezaan Diet Dengan Orang Biasa.

Apa perbezaan diet orang yang sering berkunjung ke gym , dengan orang biasa.

What is bariatric surgery?

Learn more about bariatric surgery with Dr. Ghafoor.

Just need to swallow a balloon to feel full?

Just need to swallow a balloon to feel full? And it can also reduce your weight in just 4 months?

Myths about Bariatric Surgery.

“Will I return to my old weight after bariatric surgery?”

Diet series: Keto diet not only for weight loss but it also can helps for other diseases?

Keto has many benefits because it changes your body chemistry. Your body will be more efficient when it has ketones as fuel.

Diet Series: Intermittent Fasting,Is it effective?

There are many healthy ways to lose weight. If you do not want to undergo surgery and taking a slimming pills, instead use intermittent fasting which is believed to be proven to be the best diet.

Why AGSurgery?


Because you need a fast and easy way to consult with expert surgeon.

Just click the button. How easy is that?”

Dr. Abdul Gafoor Mubarak,

Consultant Bariatric and General Surgeon.


Why AGSurgery?


Because you need a fast and easy way to consult with expert surgeon.

Just click the button.
How easy is that?”

Dr. Abdul Gafoor Mubarak,

Consultant Bariatric and
General Surgeon.


One-Stop Solution for Surgical and Weight Loss

We aim to help you in your surgical problem and weight loss journey.

Surgical methods for weight loss.

Bariatric surgery is the most clinically
effective way to lose weight.

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Non-surgical methods for weight loss.

Temporary balloon system is inserted into the stomach to reduce what you can eat.

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Surgical methods
for weight loss.

Bariatric surgery is the most
clinically effective way to
lose weight.

Learn More

Non-surgical methods
for weight loss.

Temporary balloon system
is inserted into the stomach
to reduce what you can eat.

Learn More

Your Trusted Surgeon

AGSurgery has been trusted by many happy patient.
Schedule an appointment today and get the best treatment.

Your Trusted Surgeon

AGSurgery has been trusted
by many happy patient.
Schedule an appointment today
and get the best treatment.